Volunteer Projects

Roberts Field has been shaped by a long history of community volunteer projects ranging from the building of the first playground in 1973, the Chelmsford Jaycees digging the pond in the mid 1970s, to most recently scouts and businesses building nature trail boardwalks.  Here’s a list of active and available Volunteer Projects at Roberts Field and Friendship Park playground.

Available Volunteer Projects

Please send an email to info@friendsofrobertsfield.org for more information about these projects.

Build Boardwalks For The Nature Trails Around The Pond At Roberts Field
A few areas of the nature trail are seasonally wet and require boardwalks.  Help by building one or more sections of boardwalk using weather resistant and rot proof materials.  Typical boardwalk sections cost about $200 and require a few hours of cutting and fastening to complete.  Great project for a business or organization to take on as a team!

Anticipated completion date:  Ongoing